Embracing Spiritual Self-Care: Nurturing Your Mind, Body, & Soul with Holistic Practices
Spiritual Self Care is about nurturing the part of you that is non physical. It is the part of you that makes you who you are lifetime after lifetime.
We’re often concerned with how well we’re taking care of others, but it’s important to give yourself the attention you need, too.
Spiritual Self-Care Practices to Nurture Your Mind, Body, & Soul
The Importance of Spiritual Self-Care
Spiritual self-care is the practice of nurturing your inner self to achieve balance, peace, and fulfillment. It involves activities that connect you to your higher self, the universe, or a sense of purpose. This form of self-care goes beyond physical well-being to address the deeper needs of the soul. Prioritizing spiritual self-care can lead to profound changes in your life such as; fostering resilience, reducing stress, and enhancing your overall well-being and holistic living.
How to Practice Spiritual Self-Care Daily
Unplug to Reconnect with Your Inner Voice Give your mind a break from the digital world each day. Turn off your phone, close your laptop, and turn off the TV. Engage in activities that you can connect with yourself and the present moment, such as going for a walk, reading a book, meditating, or talking to a real, live person. Reconnect with your inner voice as you quiet the world around you. Listen to what your body says to you. What does it tell you that you need? Listen to your mind, what is asking for you to engage in to challenge it? While taking this time to reconnect, check in with all parts of you.
Do a quick 5 senses check in with yourself. 5 things you can see, 4 things you can feel, 3 things you can hear, 2 things you can smell, and 1 thing you can taste.
Engage in Mindful Activities to Reconnect with the Vastness of Your Inner Calm Practicing mindfulness means that you are present in the moment and using all your senses to have an experience. Mindful activities will reduce stress, improve your focus, improve your brain’s neuroplasticity, reduce anxiety, elevate your mood, create greater empathy. and improve problem solving. Work your brain and enhance your mental clarity by engaging in mindful activities. This could be a jigsaw puzzle, crossword, Sudoku, or any mental challenge that appeals to you. Puzzles are a really great activity as they require focus and concentration which produces a calming effect. These activities serve as a great break from your busy day and provide a peaceful workout for your brain.
Eat Mindfully to Reconnect with Nature Pay attention while you’re eating. Put aside your phone and avoid reading or watching TV during meals. Practice gratitude before you eat. Focus on the process of eating. While eating think of all things that went into the food you eat. For example, an orange would include sunshine and minerals from the soil. It grew on a tree, the juice is from the rain, it emerged from a blossom that grow into developing fruit. Think of how it traveled from the tree, in the state it was grown to you. Practice gratitude for being supported to have the food to eat. This practice helps you eat less and choose better foods, promoting both physical and spiritual nourishment. It is part of living holistically.
Spend Time with Loved Ones to Fill Your Heart and Feel Comfort There's nothing better for your heart and soul than spending time with those who love you. They offer encouragement, say nice things, and create a relaxing and happy environment for you. This support system is crucial for your spiritual well-being. While with your loved ones, make it a practice to also find ways to open their heart.
Practice Gentle Stretching Incorporate stretching into your daily routine to maintain your physical health. If you're watching TV, use that time to stretch on the floor. This simple practice feels good and is beneficial for your body. Yoga is a great way to practice stretching and breathing exercises. Yin Yoga is a slow yoga that focuses on stretching, deep breathing, and relaxation.
Compliment Yourself to Build Your Relationship with Yourself Imagine you were your best friend. What types of compliments would you give yourself? Spend a few minutes looking at yourself in the mirror and let the compliments flow. It might feel awkward at first, but you'll enjoy the positive results. Be mindful of recognizing achievements and a job well done. Treat yourself to something special. Send yourself a gift in the mail with a card that includes kind loving thoughts to yourself. Practice self compassion by realizing that we all have challenges. Self compassion is about fully accepting yourself for all of who you are. If going through a crisis, act as if you are observing a friend going through the crisis then give yourself the nurturing and support you would give to them. Take a moment to think about how you talk to yourself. check in to see if you are being supportive and positive or are you being too critical and harsh?
Ask for Help Remember, you’re worthy of receiving help from others. Life becomes easier when you accept assistance. In return, others will ask you for help, boosting your self-esteem and strengthening relationships. Additionally, helping others can be a fulfilling spiritual practice. Practice being mindful of this exchange. In other words, try to not always be the one who is helping. Allow yourself to receive. You are a beautiful soul and the universe responds by putting people in your life just at the right time just as you serendipitously show up when another person is in need.
Eat a Healthy Diet to Reconnect with the Element Earth Nourishing your body with nutritious foods is essential for maintaining both physical and spiritual health. Eating live fruits and vegetables (uncooked) provides your body with extra vitality. You are taking in the element of earth. This is grounding, peaceful, and part of your natural holistic essence.
Go to Bed Early and Journal Your Dream Messages Adequate sleep is vital for every part of your being. Most of us fail to get enough sleep. Set an early bedtime that ensures you wake up feeling rested. Prioritizing your sleep is an essential aspect of spiritual self-care. Create a bedtime routine so it becomes an easy habit to follow. Create a dream journal and leave it under your pillow or on the stand next to you. This will be a great way to keep track of the messages given to you from; your spirit guides, subconscious, higher self, and loved ones who have passed. You will be amazed at the messages that are conveyed to you in your sleep.
Take a Relaxing Bath to Reconnect with the Element Water Stretch out and soak for at least 30 minutes once a week. You might turn off the lights, read a book, or simply close your eyes and relax. Light a candle, and add bath salts with essential oils, or have a tea bath. Give yourself this luxury as a form of spiritual self-care. It will also help your mind to relax. Using the bath salts will add the extra benefit of clearing your energy field. As you bathe you are connecting with the element of water which is another essential part of your nature.
Walk Daily to Reconnect with Nature .Walking can be a meditative practice, helping you connect with nature and your inner self. Walking meditation is a form of meditation where the act of walking becomes the focus of your attention. Instead of letting your mind wander, you direct your awareness to the sensations, movements, and rhythms of walking.
Do a Full Body Scan to Reconnect with Your Body’s Voice You can do a full body scan just about anywhere. Ideally doing it while laying down or in a meditative setting is the best. However, you can even do it while sitting in a chair at work. Take a few minutes to slowly visualize moving your awareness from head to toe. Recognize where you feel tight, tense, or pain. Simply recognize it. Thank your body for the message then give it permission to soften and release. This way you are present with the messages your body is trying to convey to you. It helps to create a trustworthy bond between you and your body. You could delegate a 3 - 5 minute check-in into your daily routine to establish a healthy mindfulness habit. Your body will thank you.
Aromatherapy Mindfulness Practices Essential oils can enhance your spiritual self-care routine. Lavender promotes relaxation, frankincense encourages mindfulness, and peppermint boosts energy. Use essential oils in a diffuser, candles, incense, or apply them to your skin (diluted with a carrier oil), or add them to your bath for a calming experience.
Aromatherapy is a diverse range of remedies that are both from nature and are beautiful. Essential OIls activate the limbic system in the brain. This system controls memory, emotion, and learning. There are many ways to incorporate essential oils into your day. Since our sense of smell is directly associated with memory use this knowledge to create a habit or ritual. For example find an essential oil to use when you engage in an activity. use it each time you do the activity. It will become an alert to you that the activity is to follow. It is similar to the practice of lighting a candle when beginning a spiritual practice. Your body, mind, and spirit respond, and are ready for the activity.
Finger Tapping to Improve Cognitive Functioning in the Brain Finger tapping exercises can significantly enhance your cognitive function by stimulating neural pathways and promoting brain plasticity. The repetitive and rhythmic nature of finger tapping activates motor and sensory areas of the brain, which helps to improve coordination and dexterity. Tapping increases blood flow and oxygenation in the brain, which can enhance memory, focus, and problem-solving skills. Additionally, finger tapping engages both hemispheres of the brain for better communication between them and supporting your overall mental agility. Integrating finger tapping into daily routines is a simple and effective way to boost cognitive performance.
Spiritual Practices for Holistic Self-Care
In addition to the above practices using specific spiritual tools can further enhance your spiritual self-care routine.
Saging (Smudging) Saging, or smudging, involves burning sage to cleanse your space of negative energy. It neutralizes all the energy so it is balanced. The practice is rooted in Native American traditions and is believed to purify the environment and promote a sense of peace. Light a bundle of sage and allow the smoke to fill your space, focusing on areas where negative energy feels concentrated. Afterwards, light an incense or burn Palo Santo or Sweetgrass to elevate the energy from neutral to a higher vibration.
Using Crystals Crystals are believed to have healing properties that can support your spiritual well-being. Different crystals have different energies. For example, amethyst promotes calm and clarity, rose quartz encourages love and compassion, and citrine attracts positivity and abundance. Keep crystals in your living space, wear them as jewelry, or meditate with them to harness their benefits.
Meditation Meditation is a powerful practice for spiritual self-care. It helps you connect with your inner self, reduce stress, and achieve mental clarity. Spend a few minutes each day in quiet meditation. Focus on your breath, use a mantra, or practice guided meditations to enhance your spiritual practice and holistic beingness.
For a deeper dive into meditation, check out my other posts: 4 Steps to Integrate Meditation Daily, Micro-Meditations for Busy Day, and Master 3 Minute MIni Meditations.
Journaling Keeping a journal allows you to reflect on your thoughts, feelings, and spiritual experiences. Write down your goals, gratitude, and insights to gain a deeper understanding of your spiritual journey. You could even create a visual journal for self growth and mindfulness practices. Journaling can be a therapeutic way to process emotions and track your progress over time.
The Significance of Spiritual Self-Care
People who are busy and stressed often set aside spiritual self-care. It’s important to pay attention to your needs and recognize your limits. Good spiritual self-care practices can reduce burnout and stress levels. They keep your energy levels high and rejuvenate you each day. Spiritual Self Care is part of the triplicate essence of being: Body, Mind, and Soul (spirit), your holistic beingness. It is important to take care of all three parts of you for wholeness. By looking after yourself effectively, you can navigate life’s challenges easier and find fulfillment in your life.
Integrating Spiritual Self-Care into Your Life
Set Intentions: Begin your day with a clear intention. Reflect on what you want to achieve and how you want to feel. This practice aligns your actions with your spiritual goals. Call on your spirit teams or guardian angel to assist in what you are setting as an intention. They can not intercede unless you give them permission to help. It is part of the universal principle of freewill.
Create a Sacred Space: Designate a space in your home for spiritual activities such as meditation, yoga, or reading. This space can become a sanctuary for your soul.
Practice Gratitude: Cultivate a habit of gratitude by acknowledging the blessings in your life. Keeping a gratitude journal can help you focus on positive aspects and foster a sense of contentment. Another way to practice is to have a bowl with small pieces of paper near it. Each day try to write at least one thing you are grateful for and place it in the bowl. When you are feeling down or your heart feels closed, read what you have written. This practice will help you to raise your energy and open your heart. It is such a beautiful practice.
Connect with Nature: Spend time outdoors to rejuvenate your spirit. Nature has a calming effect and helps you to feel more connected to the universe. The inherent state of the energy of nature is to be balanced. When we immerse ourselves in a natural setting it rebalances our energy field. You will leave feeling more grounded and present.
Engage in Creative Activities: Creativity is a powerful spiritual practice. You could paint, write, or dance to express yourself, and connect with your inner-being through your creative practices.
Seek Spiritual Guidance: Engage with spiritual communities or seek guidance from a spiritual mentor. Sharing your spiritual journey with others can provide inspiration, healing, support, and help you along your journey with clarity, and insight.
Practicing spiritual self-care is essential for maintaining balance and well-being in your life. By including these practices into your daily routine, you will nurture your mind, body, and soul, leading to a more fulfilled and peaceful life. Prioritize your spiritual self-care, and you will find yourself better equipped to handle life’s challenges while maintaining a sense of inner peace and joy and wholeness. In other words, it can stabilize your presence and groundedness.
Please check out the Avyakta Skye Line of Spiritual Self Care products by clicking here.
If you are interested in learning more about your spiritual journey and how to navigate it, try booking a session for the guidance you are seeking. I have been helping people on their path since 1998. I would love to help you find clarity and direction.
Peace and Blessings to you.
♥️ Skye
For more insights and resources, explore my other blog posts on journaling, mindfulness spiritual self care, Decision Making, and meditation.
Visit the shop for tools to enhance your spiritual self-care and mindfulness journey.